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Deforestation has played one of the largest roles in environmental degradation since modern man has first shifted and shaped the surface of the Earth. All around the world the human race is playing a part in the deterioration of the Earth’s rainforests. From the Amazon of South America to the Borneo rainforest in Indonesia humans are continuing to rapidly transform the Earth’s landscapes. Roughly half of the world’s tropical rainforests have been cleared, and not only does this loss contribute to our annual global carbon dioxide emissions it also takes away the food sources and homelands of the Amazon’s indigenous tribes. One of the largest contributing factors to deforestation is actually to use the land for cattle ranching. Corporations have been destroying the forests to make way for our seemingly endless crave for meat. We can slow and maybe even stop the rate of deforestation, which in turn will protect indigenous tribes, their homelands, and their food sources by decreasing our meat consumption.

Livestock Agriculture's 

Effect on Deforestation and Indigenous People

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