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Doing little things to combat deforestation go a long way as well. Recycling, using less paper, buying recycled paper, and making donations are all ways to help the fight against deforestation.

Deforestation from livestock agriculture is a tremendous problem and ending it is our best chance to save biodiversity and protect all the life that occupies the forests. Here are some things we can do!

Pressure your local congressman


Globally we need commitments from world leaders to reduce greenhouse gases from deforestation in developing nations of tropical forests. Forests for Climate is one approach to acheive this, it is a landmark proposal for an international funding mechanism to protect tropical forests. A link to the website  is below.




  • Promoting sustainable options for consumers


People can use the power of purchase to help fuel the fight against deforestation by pressuring companies that don't have good environmental practices. By buying products from companies that only sell recycled wood or supporting companies that have a zero deforestation policy, we can send a message to end deforestation.

For Corporate Meat Buyers:

  • Commit to buying deforestation-free meat.

  • Change pricing, marketing, and promotion policies to promote the sale of deforestation-free meat

  • Switch to other meats

    • ​Not all meats are exactly the same. For the time being, switching from beef to poultry could be a viable option.

For meat producers... In Tropical regions:

  • Increase Productivity ​- using more cattle on less land can help to take pressure off of forested land. This can be done by improving pasture, increasing stocking rates, and using rotational grazing.

  • Use land that has already been cleared for grazing.


  • Make sure feed grain, soybean meal, and other supplements come from deforestation-free sources

For Tropical-Country Governments:

  • Elimate direct subsides: Governments should eliminate policies that favor the expansion of beef production and that promote subsidies based on per-hectare payments.

  • Eliminate or modify indirect subsides: Eliminating subsides from things like cattle feed would be a good example of this.

  • Enforce strong agricultural zoning laws: Governments should develop and enforce zoning regulations that protect forests and promote the shifting of agricultural development  away from forests and other natural areas.

For all governments:

  • ​Change the kinds of meat you purchase from your own facilities and food programs you administer by favoring products that use up less land and have less pressure on deforestation.

For Consumers:

  • Go vegetarian/vegan

    • ​This is hands down the most direct and most effective method for stopping deforestation caused by livestock agriculture.

  • Meatless Monday's

    • ​Choosing not to eat meat one day a week is a great way that people can help slow the rate of deforestation without completely cutting meat out of their diet. It is also a great way to ease into a more vegetarian/vegan friendly lifestyle.

  • Eat less meat

    • ​Choosing to eat less meat overall will also contribute to slowing the rate of deferestation and can help to lessen the adverse impact on the planet's biodiversity and climate as well as imporving your overall wellbeing.

  • Eat less beef

    • ​Not all meats are the same. Beef production is by far the most land and energy intensive. While not an ultimate sulution to deforestation, switching from beef to bird is should certainly be considered a step in the right direction.

  • Pressure buisnesses and local governments 

    • To enstate and enforce policies which protect forested land.

    • To elminate policies which promote meat that leads to deforestation.

Many solutions on this page were provided by The Union of Concerned Scientists

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