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Slash and Burn Agricluture

Slash and burn agriculture is the primary method of deforestation. This method effectively removes unwanted parasytes and organisms. Trees are cut down and the land is burned. This releases minerals back into the soil. However due to the large prevelance of rain in these areas the nutrients are washed away every few years depending on location. When this occurs farmers often move and clear new land to repeat the process.

Clear Cutting

Clear Clutting is the second most common method and also the most destructive method of deforestation. Unlike slash and burn agriculture no one knows how long it will take the forest to replenish itself. By not burning the land after cutting it not even the soil can be replenished.

Selective Logging

In selective logging only specific trees are chopped down. However, while most of the trees in selective logging are not excavated almost half of the trees in the vacinity are damaged throughout the extraction process.

Perineal Shade Agriculture

Much like selective logging, perineal shade agriculture leaves large portions of rainforest in tact in so that there is proper shade for crops such as coffee and chocolate that are planted in the area.

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